
作者:bat365官网登录入口 时间:2018-06-10 点击数:











联系方式:   manman.wei@qust.edu.cn



魏曼曼,德国亥姆霍兹环境研究中心,德国霍恩海姆大学生物学博士。201809月加入bat365官网登录入口,主要从事微生物电化学,废水资源化处理及环境微生物学相关研究。近年来在《Bioresource Biotechnology》,《Talanta》,《Analytica Chimica Acta》等国际学术期刊发表高水平论文20余篇,授权发明专利1件,主持国家级、省部级项目2项,横向项目1项。


1. 污染物的微生物降解:针对环境污染物(石油烃、高氯酸盐、氨氮等)开展高效微生物降解及转化过程的研究、应用基因、蛋白质等多组学方法研究微生物之间、微生物与环境之间相互作用关系,应用稳定性同位素自然分馏及示踪技术解析污染物降解及转化机理。

2. 废水资源化处理技术:发展人工湿地、微生物燃料电池等低碳、资源高效循环的生物修复技术及废水资源化处理新模式。

3. 微生物电化学:应用微生物学、电化学、分子生态学等多学科交叉手段,解析人工及自然生态系统中微生物与环境之间,微生物种间电荷的分布、转移及生态环境效应。


1. 国家自然科学基金 (51808304): 2019/01-2021/12,28万,主持。

2. 重点研究项目子课题(KJ2020-0082-wx):2020/01-2020/12,30万,主持。

3. 横向课题(KJ2022-0006-kw): 2021/01-2022/0630万,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金(31800414):2019/01-2021/12,28万,参与。


1. Shuhan You, Xiaoyun Zhang, Yilin Wang, Yaobo Jin, Manman Wei*, Xiudan Wang. Development of highly stable color indicator films based on κ-carrageenan, silver nanoparticle and red grape skin anthocyanin for marine fish freshness assessment. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 216: 655-669

2. Yaqun Wang, Jingling Huang, Xiuhong Liang, Manman Wei, et al. Production and waste treatment of polyesters: application of bioresources and biotechniques. Critical reviews in biotechnology2022, 1-18.

3. Liu W, Zhang R, Wei M, et al. Increasing the pyruvate pool by overexpressing phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase or triosephosphate isomerase enhances phloroglucinol production in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology Letters, 2020, 42(4):633-640.

4 Shuai Liu, Manman Wei#, Xuejiao Wang, et al. An ultrasensitive electrochemical DNA sensing strategy free from pre-immobilization via g-quadruplex based homogenous proximity hybridization. Talanta, 2020, 210: 120628.

5. Shuai Liu, Manman Wei#, Rui Liu, et al. Lab in a pasteur pipette: low-cost, rapid and visual detection of bacillus cereu using denaturation bubble-mediated strand exchange amplification. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019, 1080.

6. Wenqiang Shi, Manman Wei#, Qing Wang, et al. Rapid diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumonia infection by denaturation bubble-mediated strand exchange amplification: comparison with lamp and real-time PCR. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(1).

7. Manman Wei, Jana Rakoczy, Carsten Vogt, Falk Harnisch, Rainer Schumann, Hans H. Richnow. Enhancement and Monitoring of Pollutant Removal in a Constructed Wetland by Microbial Electrochemical Technology. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 196: 490-499.

8. Manman Wei, Falk Harnisch, Carsten Vogt, Jörg Ahlheim, Thomas R. Neue and Hans H. Richnow. Harvesting electricity from benzene and ammonium-contaminated groundwater using a microbial fuel cell with an aerated cathode. RSC Adv., 2015, 5: 5321-5330.

9. Manman Wei, Furong Tan, Hong Zhu, Kai Cheng, Xiao Wu, Jinbin Wang, Kai Zhao, Xueming Tang. Impact of Bt-transgenic rice (SHK601) on soil ecosystemsin the rhizosphere during crop development. Plant, Soil and Environment, 2012, 58 (5): 217-223.

10. Manman Wei, Rubing Zhang, Yuguang Wang, Houguo Ji, Jia Zheng, Xinhua Chen, Hongbo Zhou. Microbial community structure and diversity in deep-sea hydrothermal vent sediments along the Eastern Lau Spreading Centre. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2013, 32 (4): 42-51.


1.魏曼曼。一种利用导电材料富集和驯化高氯酸盐还原菌群的方法,ZL 202011405051.4


1. 青岛科技大学“高校信息杯”信息化教学比赛优秀奖

2. 指导本科毕业生校级优秀学士学位论文1篇

3. 指导大学生创新创业计划项目2项

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